The People Make the Studio. Ours Make Flow a Community.

We set out to train, hire, and support the best instructors in Cleveland. That starts with every member of our teaching team and someone they love practicing free at Flow. When we’re surrounded by friends and family, the studio feels more like home.

We also offer free quarterly professional development workshops, free professional photography, and free marketing support to ensure Flow is a great place to teach. Because that makes Flow a great place to practice.

Shannon Harrell, Owner, Lead Instructor

Kevin Ament, Owner, General Manager

Jessica Elsing, Instructor

Marina Falcone, Instructor

Liz Gillespie, Instructor

Erin Herbruck, Instructor

James Hill, Instructor

Christina Iacco, Instructor

Steve Johnson, Instructor

Kaitlyn Kyle, Instructor

Maria Offutt, Instructor

Jocelynn Ray, Instructor

Lyndy Rutkowski, Instructor

Danielle Rachinno, Instructor

Katy Richards, Instructor

Veena Sanil, Instructor

Angela Sebesy, Instructor

Beth Sebo, Instructor

Bec Sulzer, Instructor

Adam Tilocco, Instructor

Julie White, Instructor

Jaclyn Zeigler, Instructor